To divert to an improper use;misapply. 误用,滥用挪用于不适当的用途;滥用
There are, however, uncountable ways to misapply heat. 但又有无数种错误的热能使用方法。
Analyse case concrete use and easy to appear situation that misapply in using. 分析案例的具体应用以及应用中容易出现误用的情况。
We’ve made it simpler for the pet owner, and lessened the opportunity to misapply the product. 我们已经做出了简单的宠物主人,并减少了机会,误用的产品。
However, many administrative authorities were wrongly guided or persons misapply after this law was implemented. 但是在该法实施后,各行政机关对于该项制度应如何运用并无定见,甚有误引误用者。