Many inner cities of the industrialised world are sunk in dire poverty. 许多工业化国家的市中心贫民区陷入极贫境地。
Cigarette prices in Japan are among the lowest in the industrialised world. 日本的卷烟价格是工业化世界中价格最低的。
Singapore will probably be the last Newly Industrialised Economy in Asia to have a Nobel Prize winner". 新加坡很可能是亚洲新兴工业经济体当中,最后培育出一名诺贝尔得奖人的国家。”
So you need,as the farmer,to put the oyster basket into good water,and that is virtually unobtainable in an industrialised country like Japan. 养珠人应该把蚌放到良好的水域去,在工业发达国很难找到这种地方,比如日本。
Se gli additivi chimici industriali arrivano a contaminare il cibo prodotto legittimamente, come possiamo comprarlo con fiducia? 化工原料都能正大光明的进入食品,还有什么可以放心食用的东西呢,难道物质的丰富与发展就得以牺牲人身体为代价吗?