Brody forces a stunned Vaughn to hire Quint. 布罗迪迫使市长雇用了昆特。
Over many a quint and curious volume of forgotten lore. 面对许多古怪而离奇、并早已被人遗忘的书卷;
Peter Quint, Free Speech and Private Law in German Constitutional Theory, 48 Maryland Law Review 445-447. 关键词:宪法,权利,法院,基本,私法,宪政,影响,基本法,德国
After many attempts the great white shark won't go away and sheriff Brody, with friends Hooper and Quint decide to go after the shark and kill it. 洛史奈德饰演艾米迪区警长、罗勃萧饰捕鱼人、理查屈佛斯饰鱼类学家、三人合力捕杀食人巨鲸的过程。
Quint, who in the book wore a T-shirt and faded jeans and in the film had a beard and a bandanna , was a plainer dresser. 昆特船长在书里穿着T恤和褪了色的牛仔裤,在屏幕上则以大胡子和印花大手帕示人。
On one, Ozzy teams up with grizzled Captain Quinine--recalling movie shark hunter Quint and the fact that quinine was once used to treat parasites. 其中一艘小船上坐着奥兹和头发花白的奎宁船长,他们同舟共济---这让人想起了电影中的猎鲨专家奎恩特,以及奎宁曾被用来对付寄生虫的事。