Are risk criteria (i.e.: RPN) to take actions determined and identified? 是否决定和识别风险标准(如RPN)的执行?
The overall evaluation of the proposed PSN and RPN controllers is made through the ISE criterion. 对PSN 和 RPN控制器的总的评价是按照ISE判断做出的。
In case of high RPN the supplier must attempt to reduce the calculated risks through corrective actions. 如果RPN值较高,则供应商应设法采取纠正措施降低风险。
In case of high RPN the supplier must attempt to reduce the calculated risks through correctie actions. 如果RPN值较高,则供应商应设法采取纠正措施降低风险。
The advantage of RPN is that you can get rid of parentheses, without sacrificing the order of execution. 后置序式输入的好处在于无需要用括号也可以指定运算的顺序。