The project also uses student volunteers in Agogo to gather and sell the honey. 这个工程也让那些志愿者去集中和销售蜂蜜。
"For now, there are no plans to expand the business beyond Agogo, but . “从蜂蜡到花粉再到皇家果冻的所有产品均可以市场化销售,并可以为那些与我们一同工作的合作者增加收入。”
"Members of the group traveled to Agogo this spring to provide more education and training in the beekeeping business. 我认为现在村子里面已经有超过100个蜂房了。”
Nathan Burrell says many o of the farmers in the agogo Agogo earn less than a dollar a day, he . 这个举动将有能力改变和影响现在人们的生活。作为一个企业家和一个生意人你通常看到一个市场机会。
It also gives them a chance to help east ease poverty and in Agogo though bee keeping through beekeeping and save the sale of honey. 它不仅使学生有机会拥有和管理一个企业的机会。