Yin Gongzheng, Tripp.R.P.Zhou Zhiyi et al., 2000. 周志毅
Actually no matter from the stature or the physical quality, Li Jie has imperator Fan's charm, is Fan Zhiyi in the Chinese women's football's reprint. 其实不论从身材还是身体素质来说,李洁都颇有范大将军的神韵,是范志毅在中国女足的翻版。
Zhou Zhiyi,Chen Piji.1990.Biostratigraphy and Geologic Evolution of Tarim Basin[M].Beijing:Science Press,56-126 (in Chinese). 周志毅
The reason that said that Li Jie is “imperator Li”, is because her stature and plays soccer the style likely is Fan Zhiyi's reprint. 之所以称李洁为“李大将军”,是因为她的身材和踢球风格就像是范志毅的翻版。
Sporting Gijon with two goals and two assists people Zhiyi Sheng has subsided, and against this round, Raul thoroughly so that their criticisms were shut up. 与希洪竞技的两个进球和两次助攻已经平息人们的质疑声,而本轮对阵,劳尔彻底让批评自己的人闭嘴。