Dissolving process included strong structural disorganization of the cytoplasm, loss of nuclei, plasmolysis in cells. 据此,我们认为广佛手果实分泌囊空腔是以裂溶生的方式发生。
Then plasmolysis occurs, cytoplsm becomes thin, vacuoles expand and the amount of organelles decreases gradually. 它经历了一个缓慢的退化过程,出现质壁分离,细胞质变稀,液泡扩大,细胞器逐渐减少。
As water continues to diffuse from the cytoplasm into the sea water, the cells gradually shrink. This condition is known as plasmolysis. 随着水不断地从细胞质扩散到海水中去,细胞逐渐皱缩,这种情况称为质壁分离。
Plasmolysis Loss of water from a walled cell(e.g. of a plant or bacterium) due to osmosis to the point at which the protoplast shrinks away from the cell wall. 质壁分离:由于渗透作用使具有细胞壁的细胞(如植物或细菌)失水,原生质收缩与细胞壁分离。
The results showed that the epidermis cells of the leaves of Typha growing in Lead-Zine waste water became smaller and square, and plasmolysis appeared, the number of chlorophyll body decreased. 结果表明:生活在铅锌废水中的香蒲叶表皮细胞变小变方形,出现质壁分离。