After earnest studies, NASA found that flatus contains 400 substances. 美国太空总署经过认真的研究,发现屁里面含有400种成分。
No difference in flatus time after operation was found among the 3 groups. 术后肛门排气时间3组间均无显著差异。
He had constipation for few days but still had flatus passage todays. 他有少许日子是便秘的,但是今天仍然有排气。
In addition, to having the person that constipation, flatus is perplexed, near nose risk blain easily also. 此外,对于有便秘、肠胃胀气困扰者,鼻子四周也轻易冒痘痘。
The time of passing flatus after operation in Group A was earlier than that in Group B(P<0.05). 心率变化方面,两组都在牵拉显的减慢(P<0.