Now RCM and CCM of channel 1 HI have no voltage across them. 现在,通道1的HI线路上的RCM和CCM上没有电压。
Nanovoltmeters and nanovolt preamplifiers will rarely indicate zero when no voltage is applied to the input, since there are unavoidable voltage offsets present in the input of the instrument. 当输入端没有施加电压时,纳伏表和纳伏前置放大器很少会指示零读数。这是因为在仪器的输入端不可避免地存在着电压偏置。
Ideally, when a voltmeter is connected to a relatively low impedance circuit in which no voltages are present, it should read zero. 在理想的情况下,当把电压表连接到一个没有电压的、阻抗比较低的电路时,电压表的读数应当为零。
Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。