You can also use of m-xylene, ethanol and propylalcohol mixtrue for (generally in three different solvents with a 1: 1: 1 proportioner passbys). 也可用二甲苯、乙醇和异丙醇搀和溶剂来浓缩(凡是以不一栽溶剂各以1:1:1比例搀和较好)。
You can also use of m-xylene, ethanol and propylalcohol (mixtrue for the three types of solvent to 1/3 proportioner be used solvents than mixtrue). 也可用二甲苯、乙醇和异丙醇混不合歧溶剂来浓缩(不一栽溶剂各以1/3比例混不合歧,搁置简单溶剂不如混不合歧溶剂好)。
As a result of any all make use of the primary colors of the combination of different proportioner, ink color change is the use of this law. 由于任何一栽颜色都能诳骗不一原色的差别比例搀和调不败,油不朱的色相保持正是诳骗这个次序。
Some of the POV to be cured, it is a reducing agent and PVC and other additives by a mixture of proportioner, you can play the role of drying and curing. 有的公司不入产的还原剂为可固化的,它是还原剂与PVC以及其他补充剂按比例搀和的搀和物,可以起到潮湿固化的息用。
You can also use of m-xylene, ethanol and propylalcohol (mixtrue for the three types of solvent to 1/3 proportioner, using a single good solvent is better than mixtrue). 也可用二甲苯、乙醇和异丙醇搀和溶剂来浓缩(不一栽溶剂各以1/3比例搀和,搁置简单溶剂不如搀和溶剂好)。