Resize Borderless Window - Resize a window without a border. 重设没有边界的窗口的大小。
Borderless lives falling down and down endless Rivers rolling on and on. 无边落木潇潇下,不尽长江滚滚来。
Borderless trade,coupled with global financial integration,has created an efficient world market. 商贸无国界,加上全球金融一体化,于是创造了一个效率超卓的世界市场。
Borderless Screen An anti-scratch screen surface that extends to the very edges. 无边屏幕。防划屏幕表面覆盖到屏框。
NYK's integration of global logistics and megacarrier capabihties opens fresh vistas on the borderless society. NYK将全球性的物流网络与4百万吨级的运载能力结合在一起,为无疆界大同社会的来临开辟了崭新的前景。
Note that the window style is only WS_POPUP which will make the window borderless and without caption. 注意,窗口样式仅能设为WS_POPUP,这个标志使窗口没有边框和标题栏。