We should upbuild mature system of law and statute. 我们应该建立完备的法律、法规体系。
Thirdly, upbuild an evaluation expert team with high level. 建立高素质的高等教育评估专家队伍;
Especially,we commit ourselves to upbuild the long-term cooperate ralation of credit and respect with each other. 公司十分重视与客户的紧密合作,尤其致力于建立相互间彼此信任和尊重的长期合作关系。
So I upbuild “the same song” commonweal Network Salon for the sapiential lady (http://happylady.niwota.com). 因此,我办了“同一首歌”智慧女性公益沙龙。
Originally I upbuild this commonweal Network Salon because the train of the vocational lady is very costly.It don't behove. 当初,办这个网站最初是因为我看到市面上大多数职业女性培训项目是非常昂贵的,是高级白领的奢侈品。