And it contains a lot of hard phytoliths, as a defence against hungry jaws. 青草含有许多坚硬的植物微粒,这些微粒可以保护自己不被饥饿的恐龙咬碎和消化掉。
But they also came across some phytoliths that could only have come from grass. 但是他们也碰到一些只可能来自于青草的植物微粒。
They then ground up the pieces of fossilized dung, known as coprolites, and looked for phytoliths, microscopic pieces of silica from plant cells. 他们将恐龙粪便化石(即粪化石)颗粒碾碎,寻找植物微粒,即植物细胞中的微小硅粒。
These bits of undigested plant matter, or phytoliths, come from a site containing bones of titanosaurs, long-necked plant eaters that lived near the end of the dinosaurs' reign. 这些未消化的小块植物体(植物化石),是在泰坦巨龙化石附近出土的,泰坦巨龙是一种长颈草食恐龙,生活在恐龙王朝末期。
Here, we report on phytoliths extracted from six samples from the Shanwang Formation, providing new evidence of the vegetation that grew around the lake. 本文首次对山旺组样品中的植硅体进行了研究,为山旺中新世植被的研究提供了新的证据。