Just an average middleclass guy who likes chinese women. 只是一个普普通通的人
For the surrogates -- usually lower middleclass housewies -- money is the primary motiator. 对于这些通常是中下层家庭妇女的代孕母亲而言,钱确实她们的最初动机。
Given the chance, you might catch sight of a small lizard tattooed above the ankle of a middleclass mom. 改天你说不定有机会看到一个中产阶级母亲的脚踝上方刺了一只小蜥蜴,
Donald Trump was born across the East River in the Borough of Queens, into a middleclass family. 唐纳德?特朗普出生于纽约东河对面皇后区的一户中产阶级家庭。
The democratic candidate talked about the economy and the middleclass tax relief. 而今天早些时候,奥巴马的竞选伙伴拜登就在费城同钢铁工人们进行了集会。