Counter-restriction literarily means that the strong one bullies the weak one. 相侮从字面上来讲就是依强欺弱之意。
Literarily, a BITCH, is, a person who acts as a subordinate or slave to another person. 婊子,学术上讲,级别/职位较低的人,这个人不得不为他人提供服务。
For me the first thing that came to mind is that I would be able to literarily buy a customized character directly from Blizzard. 网页作品是智力创作的成果,能够以有形的形式复制,具有独创性,符合我国著作权法规定的作品构成要件,属我国著作权法保护的范围。
And as a great statistician and predictor and foreteller, or prophet, more literarily, I can picture a future that will be doomed to me in a billing cycle of my credit card. 于是乎,作为一个伟大的统计学家,预测家和预言家(更文的说法叫先知), 我能描绘出一个未来。
It is a serious mistake in the 20 century's research about western aesthetics that many researchers regard Gadamer's Hermeneutics-Aesthetics as reader-centered theory literarily. 望文生义地认为伽达默尔的解释学美学也是一种读者中心理论,这是20世纪西方美学史研究的一个严重失误。