abbr.见鬼(骂人话)=What the fuck
WTF does the woman want us to know? 居然会有这种无聊事?我54好了...
And that’s provided it’s still under warranty. (WTF? 也不知道我为何会如此着迷。
But I tested on a target dummy and got different answers! WTF!? 但是我从假人上面得到了不同的答案,咋回事?
WTF?This would be like American Sailors visiting Murmansk during the Cold War. 我靠,这看起来就象美国海员在冷战期间参观摩尔曼斯克(注:俄罗斯北冰洋沿岸最大港口)。
Hit same damn FREE THROWS... man we should be up. Padgett WTF .. missing both. 投中那些该死的罚篮吧,伙计们,我们应该领先的。该死的帕吉特,两个罚球都丢掉了