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For my people is foolish, they have not known me;they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 耶和华说、我的百性愚顽、不认识我.他们是愚昧无知的儿女.有智慧行恶、没有知识行善。

sottish; drunk; tipsy; inebriated 醉醺醺

they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge. 他们是愚昧无知的儿女,有智慧行恶,没有知识行善。

1. a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior. 酒鬼;开怀痛饮的晚会;他嗜酒的同伴;喝了酒后沙哑的歌声;纵酒狂欢;互相搀扶着的酒鬼;喝醉了酒一样的行为。收藏指正

10. a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up; sottish behavior. 酒鬼;开怀痛饮的晚会;他嗜酒的同伴;喝了酒后沙哑的歌声;纵酒狂欢;互相搀扶着的酒鬼;喝醉了酒一样的行为。收藏指正

a bibulous fellow; a bibulous evening; his boozy drinking companions; thick boozy singing; a drunken binge; two drunken gentleman holding each other up;

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