Desert (1st volume): the vast drums from slow beats indicating the sense of grand immenseness and desolate loneliness. 沙漠(第一段):壮?的鼓声,缓缓的击打著,描述出雄伟辽阔且孤寂的感觉。
When I immerse myself in the world of ceramics, I was fascinated by its immenseness, mystery and dazzling beauty. 当我置身其中,著迷著它的浩瀚、炫丽、多变、神秘时,只能融入精魂与之共舞,任由它迭宕起伏,锻烧著你一颗挑战的心。
Desert (2nd volume): remote and vast melody describing sand and dust floated by a stiff wind implying the sense of loneliness and immenseness. 沙漠(第二段):悠远壮阔的曲风,描述著沙漠中,一阵狂风吹起了黄沙纷飞,增添寂寥与壮阔的感觉。