AC Chaleur, Atlantic, Chieftain, Kennebeck, Norchip, Red Pontiac and Snowden are recommended to develop in West Hunan. 建议推广种植 AC Chaleur,Atlantic,Chieftain,Kennebeck,Norchip,Red Pontiac,Snowden等品种
It has special meaning for service members like Lieutenant Colonel Dan Snowden, now serving in Afghanistan. 对于目前在阿富汗服役的中校Dan Snowden这样的军人来说,这个节日具有特殊的意义。
The golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club.The man you had recently discovered was you wife’s lover. 斯诺顿.希尔斯乡村俱乐部的职业高尔夫球手,你最近发现他是你妻子的情夫。
Knows you, my Chinese name is very happily ***, English name calls LUCY, is the SNOWDEN student. 很高兴认识你,我的中文名字是***,英文名字叫LUCY,是SNOWDEN的学生。
Glenn Quentin. The golf pro at the Snowden Hills Country Club. The man you had recently discovered was you wife's lover. “格兰?昆丁。斯诺顿?希尔斯乡村俱乐部的职业高尔夫球手,你最近发现他是你妻子的情夫。”