Use CUL-Type Beam Clamp can fixed to H-Beam as Purlin of Piping. 可卡在钢梁上成为吊杆生根件。
Axial line in order from west to east there is King Hall, Zhan Dian purlin five Manjusri Hall and Main Hall. 中轴线上由西向东依次有天王殿、旃檩殿、五文殊殿和大雄宝殿。
Roof of the workshop is light steel structure with "b" section purlin and painted steel panel structure system. 主厂房屋面采用轻钢结构,已型柃条,彩色压型钢板瓦体系。
Atlas of steel purlin and girt is established by China Institute of Building Standard Design &Research. 该标准图集采用了檩条允许线荷载的表示方法分别列出了各荷载效应下檩条的允许线荷载值。
The height from the central middle purlin to the top of the column represents the actual height of lift. 中平榑到柱头的高度等于总举高。