The advantages of the swirler are obvious. 该旋流器的优点是显而易见的。
A swirler directs the product to the wall of the bottle. 阿指示产品旋流器的壁瓶。
Guided by a swirler, the product flows into the bottle walls without pressure. 指导的旋流器,该产品流入瓶墙壁没有压力。
Using a swirler makes it possible to fill a widest variety of bottle shapes and sizes without any changeover. 用旋流器可以填补各种规格的包装瓶的形状和大小没有任何转换。
Product passes over a swirler at a high rate of flow and flows down the walls of the bottle as a film of liquid. 产品通过了旋流器在高流速和流量下降的墙上瓶作为电影的液体。