Evaluating cerebral blood flow autoregulation by critical closing pressure. 临界关闭压在脑血流动力学评价中的应用。
If cerebrovascular autoregulation is lost, perfusion becomes a linear function of BP. 翻译:脑血管自动调节能力丧失后,血压水平将与脑灌注量呈单一的直线关系。
Methods to assess cerebrovascular autoregulation are variable, including blood pressure-autoregulation and cerebrovascular motor reactivity. 评价脑血流自身调节的方法很多,主要包括血压-自动调节和脑血管运动反应性两方面。
The alteration of cerebral hemodynam ics, hypoxemia, and dysfunction of cerebral autoregulation appear to be the main mechanisms of stroke in patients with SAS. 血流动力学改变、血氧不足、脑血管自动调节功能紊乱是其导致卒中的主要机制。
Many factors may affect the ONH circulation, such as defective autoregulation, hematologic abnormalities, systemic arteria hypertension or hypotension, and intraocular pressure. 许多因素可以影响视神经头血流,例如自主调节、血液疾病、血压不正常、或眼压改变等。