Lack of emotion or feeling;impassiveness. 无感情,无感觉;
At this point a meeting is the only way to go in order to resolve the impass. 现在唯一的方法就是通过会议解决这个争论。
It was not until then did I realize, how much courage it must have taken for years to subject themselves to both their working stress and my impassiveness. 霎那间,我突然意识到,一直以来,我的父母需要用一种怎样的勇气来面对我的冷漠和他们工作上的压力。
The majority neither have the true love , nor the true hate , love should be deeply appreciated , and impassiveness should be cursed , cause it's neither the love nor the hate . 1大多数人既没有真正的爱,也没有真正的恨,爱最值称贺,其次是恨,最该诅咒的是冷漠,因为它既不是爱也不是恨。