The common fault of "Mass Media Age" is lengthiness and roughness. “大媒体时代”的标题通病是长和粗。
I apologize for the lengthiness of this post (brevity is not my forte). 不好意思写了这么长(简短不是我的长项)。
It proves that our ancestors were already fed up with lengthiness, and consequently, such rebellious sentiments were stirred/provoked /evoked. 古人已云“花如解语还多事,石不能言最可人”,可见古人亦已感废话太多之苦,乃激出了这样的反动心理。
The lengthiness of the article requires extraordinary determination to even start reading it, not to mention finishing it. 对冗长的文章不只需要特别的决心开始去读