Carotid body and aortic body chemoreceptor reflex. 颈动脉体和主动脉体化学感受性反射。
Act directly to peripheral chemoreceptor. 直接作用于外周化学感受器。
Increasing H+ or decreasing PH can faster respiration. It is the effective stimulator to chemoreceptor. 增多或PH下降可使呼吸运动加快,它是化学感受器的有效刺激物。
What is the chemoreceptor trigger zone (CTZ) and what receptors are present there? 什么是催吐化学感受区(CTZ)?其受体主要是什么?
The main pathway is acting directly on peripheral chemoreceptor and inputting impulse.respiration center is excited. 主要是直接作用于外周化学感受器,传入冲动。呼吸中枢呈兴奋作用。