Don't take all this too jocosely, but believe in the extreme pleasure you have caused me, and in the affectionate feelings. 别认为这些话都是戏谑之言;请相信你们给我带来了莫大的快乐以及我对你们的深切感谢。
The wood-sawyer, who was a little man with a redundancy of gesture (he had once been a mender of roads), cast a glance at the prison, pointed at the prison, and putting his ten fingers before his face to represent bars, peeped through them jocosely. 锯木工是个小个子,手势特别多(他以前干过补路工)。 他望了望监狱,用手指了指,叉开十个指头放到脸前,代表铁栏杆,装出窥看的滑稽样子。
joking, jokingly, humorous, funny, jocosely, jocular, jocose 玩笑地。打趣地。不当真的。风趣的。
he said, jocosely, to Mrs. 他开玩笑地对赫斯渥太太说。