CONCLUSION: Rationally chosen descendens blood fat drugs with good curat... 结论:合理选择疗效好、价格低的降血脂药具有良好的发展趋势。
Kavanagh, Gyanir, History Curatorship, 1990, England: Leicester University Press. 贾士蘅译(1999):历史的再思考。台北:城邦文化。
Objective To observe the curat ive effects of root canal therapy with two kinds of materias i.e cortisomol and ZOE. 目的 观察Cortisomol根管糊剂根充术后反应并与临床最常用的氧化锌丁香油酚糊剂 (ZOE)相比较。
The whole process was trailed and recorded by mass media and the compilation of these materials became part of curatorship and the activity itself turned out to be a piece of artistic work. 而在具体的操作上,活动的过程被相关媒体跟踪记录,而这最终的资料的编辑,也构成策划中的一部分,因为活动本身已经变成一个艺术作品。
Please be informed that the floor plan of the Central Police Station (CPS) Compound is available in HKIA Premises to members who are interested in bidding the curatorship for viewing and inspection. 中央警署建筑群的图则现已置放在香港建筑师学会会址以供有兴趣申办策展人之会员查阅。