Steelmaker Posco dropped 9.8 per cent to Won267,000. 钢铁制造商浦项建设公司下跌9.
So it is practicability that the carbofrax is used in open-hearth steelmak... 因此,碳化硅作为扩散脱氧剂在平炉上应用是完全可行的。
In 2007 and 2008, the first announced settlement was with a Chinese steelmaker. 2007年和2008年,最先宣布的价格协议都是与中国钢铁生产商达成的。
The two companies combined would create the world's seventh-largest steelmaker. 两家公司合并之后,将会成为全球第七大炼钢厂商。
At least one steelmaker remains happy despite the negotiations' outcome. 尽管谈判结果如此,但至少会有一家钢铁公司感到满意。