He tied the two ropes together with a knot. 他打个结把两根绳子系在一起。
She tied an apron around her waist. 她将围裙系在腰间。
Dick threatened to make it hot for anyone who tied knots in his pajama legs again. 迪克威胁说,如果谁再在他的睡裤腿上打结,他就要惩罚他们。
I am not ready to get tied down. 我还没有准备受约束。
Texaco could say that it was willing to go along with a settlement but that its hands were tied by the shareholders. 德士古可以说它同意和解,可是它受到股权人的约束。
(vbl.)Dick threatened to make it hot for anyone who tied knots in his pajama legs again. 迪克威胁说,如果谁再在他的睡裤腿上打结,他就要惩罚他们。
I am not ready to get tied down. 我还没有准备受约束。
Texaco could say that it was willing to go along with a settlement but that its hands were tied by the shareholders. 德士古可以说它同意和解,可是它受到股权人的约束。