However now, he has been formed with Baoermo open and affined. 然而现在,他已经和鲍尔默结成公开同盟。
"Affined " proposal initiates Chinese credit one of units. 中国信誉同盟"倡议发起单位之一。
"Xiang Cai is affined " , red is intimate, everybody express one's admiration. “向蔡同盟”,红色知己,人人称羡。后来,向警予移情别恋,蔡和森痛苦万分。
Montano. If partially affined, or leagued in office, Thou dost deliver more or less than truth, Thou art no soldier. 蒙太诺你要是意存偏袒,或是同僚相护,所说的话和事实不尽符合,你就不是个军人。
Montano. If partially affined, or leagued in office, Thou dost deliver more or less than truth, Thou art no soldier. 蒙太诺你要是意存偏袒,或是同僚相护,所说的话和事实不尽符合,你就不是个军人。