Possession is self craving;giving stems from a great love that is selfless joyful and equanimous. 佔有是自我贪取的私爱,奉献是无私喜舍的大爱。
With steady awareness of our inhalations and exhalations, the breath can become an equanimous constant through the ups and downs of our daily life. 藉由对于呼吸的稳定专注觉知,能使我们在日常生活的起起落落之中慢慢变得平和稳定。
The blind equalization algorithm is “equanimous” and the characteristic of convergence is not influenced by distortion of channel, it is fit for equalizing deep attenuation channel. 该算法具有镇定性,其收敛性能不会受到失真信道的影响,适用于均衡衰落性严重的信道。