The ore-forming fluid is of medium-low temperature, low salinity, and low fugacity of O2 and S2. 成矿流体为中低温、低盐度、弱酸性、低氧逸度和硫逸度。
A new method to calculate the volume and fugacity of saturated vapor is obtained. 本文得到了一种不用状态方程计算饱和蒸汽摩尔体积的新方法。
When they are used to calculate fugacity coefficients of pure gases, the confident levels... 用于纯气体逸度系数计算,偏差小于5%25的置信水平在97%25以上。
Based on a brief analysis of the genesis of hematite, the authors hold that hematite in red granite was mostly produced under the condition of high oxygen fugacity. 本文对赤铁矿的成因作了简要分析,认为红色花岗岩中的赤铁矿大多为高氧逸度条件下的产物。
The article sums up the constitutional equation of authentic gas and recommends a convenient formula of calculating fugacity. 本文归纳了真实气体的状态方程
From early to late stage metallogenic hydrothermal activity evolves from high to low altitude in space, and the oxygen fugacity changes frow lowto high value. 成矿热液活动由早阶段到晚阶段在空间上似具有由高向低、氧逸度具由低到高的演变特征。