I want to live darkly and richly in my femaleness. 亨利很快就为之着迷,1924年就与第一位妻子离婚而与琼结婚。
There are also many femal otaku in the society nowadays. 当今社会也有许多女御宅族。
In this way, the body maintains its femaleness (left side) and its maleness (right side). 以这个方式,身体维持它的女性(左侧)和它的男性(右侧)。
As we have seen, there is a spectrum of atypical conditions between femaleness and maleness. 正如我们已经瞭解的那样,在男性与女性之间存在著异乎寻常的性象谱。
According to the literature, tinea capitis in adults is supposed to be rare and is marked femal preponderance with little inflammatory reaction. 根据文献统计,成人头癣是少见的且以女性居大多数,并且都较局限性,发炎较轻微,少有如此严重之表现。