Sic rupes faxei non primaevi, fed temporis filiae. 坚硬的岩石不是原始的,而是时间的女儿!
You can temporise and you are capable of enormous procrastination, but you cannot depart entirely from your Creator, Who set the limits on your ability to miscreate. 你可以因循苟且,你能够尽量拖延,就是无法与造物主一刀两断,因祂已在你的妄作能耐上设了限。
Holidays accrued during one period have to be taken on the following holiday period.For the first year of employment, holidays will be accrued at pro rata temporis. 在本公司工作未满一年的新员工可在次年享受年假,具体的年假天数按照其实际工作时间计算。
When parties don't enforce right and have an effect on profit of interested person, the interested person can cite temporis exceptio before procedure of first instance and close of debate. 当当事人怠于主张消灭时效的效力的行为影响到利害关系人的利益时,利害关系人可以在第一审程序中法庭辩论结束前援用时效抗辩。
to tend to temporise 倾向于敷衍了事