Mr.Qinghua Hu, from the Musician Association of Jingzhou, to take part in the flute didactical project as a teacher. 湖北荆州市音乐家协会成员,长期从事长笛教学和演出。
This university has built a didactical building which collocate water ,warm and electricity system recently. 这所大学最近建成了一座水暖电配套的教学大楼。
Didactical mode towards the network learning in the TV University, especially the long-distance and open education. 在这样的时代背景下,广播电视大学目前的教学模式也开始向着网络学习发展,尤其是广播电视大学的远程教育和开放教育。
Results 98% nurse of exercitation content to our hospital didactical management. 结果98%25实习生对我院的带教管理工作表示满意。
Teachers mention they are hardly prepared for new didactical teaching methods and not in the least for the use of ICT. 教师提到他们几乎没有接受过新的教学方法或信息技术使用的培训,这种培训只有在有研究项目时才有机会参加。
PBL teaching is an international popular didactical paradigm, but there is seldom practical experience in local higher medical education. 摘要PBL教学法目前已成为国际上较为流行的教学模式。但在国内高等医学教育中的经验非常少。