I hope through my camero,their figur could make you a deep sence. 我希望能够通过我的镜头,让他们的样子给你留下深刻的印象。他叫郭鹏,我们叫他鹏儿。
The Congo people decorate their pipes with figural and geometric patterns. 刚果人民用几和形状的样式装饰他们的烟斗。
Yeh, S., Chen, I., &De Valois, K.K. (1994).The shape of spatial attention revealed by figural aftereffects. 陈一平(1996),皮质细胞之对比增益研究,中国心理学会八十五年度年会。
Research and recommend on figural data to make scientific amendment on necessary issues. 相关市场研究和分析,寻找数字管理和趋势,收视,接受度的解决方案。
Bauerle, specializing in figural and landscape paintings, had completed numerous portraits for the royal family. 鲍尔勒喜好取材人物与风景,并完成多幅皇室子女肖像画。