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The fat squire and his wife abandoned the grey, tapestried chamber, and left the black-browed warriors looming from the wall to scowl upon and threaten new guests, or to glare vengefully upon vacancy. 胖乡绅和他的妻子放弃了灰色的挂毯室,留下黑眉毛武士隐隐约约地出现于墙上,对新来的客人瞋目而视,吓唬威胁他们,要不就是对着室内一片空虚,仇恨地虎视眈眈。

A shack on the main road, the Anlong Veng Tourism Office, lists the sites: faded photographs of weed-filled plots labeled as the former homes and swimming holes of Khmer Rouge leaders. 安隆汶游客中心虽然只是大马路上的一个草棚,但却详细列出各个重要地点,陈列已经褪色的相片,照出好些杂草蔓生的荒地,下面的标示说明这是各个赤柬领袖过去的住所或是他们游泳的地点。

These fruits including apples, blackberries, Blueberry, coconut, blueberry, Sambucus williamsii fruits, grapes, grapefruit, lemon, lime, Prey Veng, pomegranates and other fruits common market.U. 这些水果包括苹果、黑莓、蓝莓、椰子、越橘、接骨木果、葡萄、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、波萝、石榴等市场常见果品。

These fruits including apple, blackberry, blueberry, coconut, Blueberry, Sambucus williamsii fruit, grapes, grapefruit, lemon, lime, Prey Veng, pomegranates and other fruits common market. 这些水果包括苹果、黑莓、蓝莓、椰子、越橘、接骨木果、葡萄、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、波萝、石榴等市场常见果品。

These fruits including apples, blackberries, Blueberry, coconut, blueberry, Sambucus williamsii fruits, grapes, grapefruit, lemon, lime, Prey Veng, pomegranates and other fruits common market. 这些水果包括苹果、黑莓、蓝莓、椰子、越橘、接骨木果、葡萄、葡萄柚、柠檬、酸橙、波萝、石榴等市场常见果品。

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