The tentacled podlike Huragok never spoke to his kind. 长满触手的胡拉告克从来不跟咕噜人说话。
A neothelid is a slime-covered, tentacled worm of dragonlike proportions. 夺心巨虫是一种浑身沾满黏液的、有巨龙般体型的带触手的蠕虫。
And then he blew his cover - he made a tentacled balloon animal and placed it on PZ's head. 以人为本就是指把人作为价值核心和社会本位,把人的生存和发展作为最高的价值目标,一切为了人,一切服务于人。
The tentacled, usually bell - shaped, free - swimming sexual stage in the life cycle of a coelenterate, such as a jellyfish. 水螅水母有触手的,通常呈带状的,生命周期中有性阶段自由游动的腔肠动物,如水母
Viral Morgan: Durring the climax, Morgan is shown as a sort of shadow tentacled beast that is trying its best to contain Max inside his own mind. 病毒形态“摩根”:在高潮部分,摩根变成一个一团黑影似的触手怪,极力企图要把麦克斯封锁在他自己的意识世界里头。