Conditioning regimen consisted of Bu- CTX plus ALG. 预处理方案:采用白消安加环磷酰胺(Bu/Cy)方案,加用抗淋巴细胞球蛋白(ALG)。
The experiment results illustrated that the chosen alg... 结果表明,灰度形态学算法非常适合于处理焊接熔池图像。
Accesses to the. Alg file can be audited using the Windows NT audit mechanism. 对.
The immunosuppressive activity of ALbG is 4.16 tims more than that of ALG. ALbG的花环抑制活性比ALG强4.
Side effect of ALG:2had serum sickness,1died of cerebral hemorrhage. ALG不良反应:2例血清病,1 例脑出血死亡。
The. Alg file is a text file, and can be viewed with any standard editor, such as Notepad. alg文件是一个文本文件