Since 1855 the longitudinal main-channel profiles in the LYR are concave-shape curves, and concavity values of these profiles increased slightly with the recent channel degradation. 河床在冲刷过程中,主槽纵比降变化不大,其纵剖面形态自1855年以来均为下凹曲线,其凹度值随河床冲刷而略有增大;
Set ds = main.Map1.Datasets.Add(miDataSetLayer, lyr 增加后,就可以查询了。
-ArcGIS engine secondary development of small procedures, functions: add shp, lyr layer, delete layer, move layers, change the legend symbol, attribute query, Hawkeye, C #. 详细说明: ArcGIS engine二次开发的小程序,功能:添加shp、lyr图层,删除图层,移动图层,更改图例符号,属性查询,鹰眼,C%23。
RR Lyr variable 天琴RR型星
Királyrévi 基拉伊雷维