Apare in Brasov, Bucuresti, Ploiesti, Timisoara si Craiova. 说明 Revista de amenajari
The static saturation sorption capacity of APAR is 238 mg/g. 静态吸附饱和容量为每 g树脂 2 38mg;
The PC of the FA was 0.25cm/h and its APAR was 15.4% within 7 h. 阿魏酸的渗透系数为0.
The adsorption behavior of APAR for Zn~(2+) obeys the Freundlich isotherm. 等温吸附服从Freundlich吸附等温式;
That would be a drop on apar with the 1930s and far below most forecasts. 这种跌幅和20世纪30年代有得一拼,并且也是远远低于大多数分析者的预测。