Well, increasingly there is an opportunity to restrict it territorially. 对许多体育组织来说,这是他们最关心的,因为他们担心通过互联网转播的比赛,全世界的人都能看到,将转播限定在某个区域越来越成为可能。
As the seemingly endless ages passed, the night elves' civilization expanded both territorially and culturally. 在确认永恒之井就是使恶魔进入这个世界的大门之后,玛法里奥坚持认为应该摧毁它。
In the primary stage of the postwar period, Germany was territorially divided and economically perished. 摘要第二次世界大战后,德国领土分割,经济凋敝,主权地位及冷战中的联盟归属被悬置。
Seeking to territorially extend the gains from its Tibet annexation, Beijing pushes a bald principle: What is ours is ours to keep, but what is yours must be shared with us. 北京谋求领土扩张,推动一个不加掩饰的原则:我们的就是我们的,但你们的必须和我们分享。
Now that you have the upper hand both economically and territorially, it's time to go on the attack and there are several ways to do this. 现在你在经济和领土上都占上风了,是时候进行攻击了。那么这里有一些方法来攻击。