Crimson nodded, glaring malevolently at the wizard. 克里森点着头,一边狠狠地盯着这个法师。
Failing to pay the tuition fee malevolently has become a serious problem which blocks the development of universities. 恶意拖欠学费问题已经成为困扰高校发展的一个顽疾。
Seldom in history have blocks and mortar been so malevolently employed or sorichly hated in return. 在历史上,混凝土障碍物很少被人如此恶意的使用,也很少被人如此憎恨。
In my role as a jealous husband, I was supposed to pick up an alarm clock and stare malevolently at its face while delivering my surly comments. 我的角色是个爱猜疑的丈夫,我被假定见到了一个闹钟,不怀好意地看着闹钟表面,说出我无理的台词。
Recently, my mailbox has been bounded with certian website malevolently, which causes some of my friends receiving my mails without any reason. 最近我的邮箱被某流氓网站恶意绑定,我某些“好友”可能经常从我这儿接收到一些莫名其妙的邮件,并带来许多不便,在此我真诚地向各位表示歉意,我也因此丢失了所有好友的邮件地址信息。