Castanet's next version promises additional security,with password access and encryption. 下一版本的Castanet将通过口令访问和加密增加安全性。
Castanet's next version promises additional security, with password access and encryption. 下一版本的Castanet将通过口令访问和加密增加安全性。
In one case a participant tasted tuna when she was trying to remember the word 'castanet'. 比如有一名被试在试图回忆“响板”这个词时尝到了金枪鱼的味道。
Most taste tuna only when they eat it.A few, though, taste it when they hear a particular word, such as “castanet”. 大多数人只有在吃金枪鱼时才能尝到它的味道,而有些人在听到一个特定的单词时,比如“响板”,就能尝到金枪鱼的滋味。
Push products can be split into two main groups: scheduled polled push -- included in this,Castanet from Marimba Inc. -- and unscheduled push. 推送产品可以分为两大类:时间预定的轮询推送(Marimba公司的Castanet就属于这一类)和无时间预定的推送。