But the big internet firms seem to have been worryingly complacent. 但似乎那些大的网络企业一直都扬扬得意自命不凡。
But Mr Policy Wonk's case sounds worryingly persuasive. 但令人担忧的是,政策一根筋先生的理由听上去很有说服力。
The second week of business, locals say, has been worryingly slow. 然而当地人说,开张的第二周生意却不尽人意。
Worryingly for the Allied nations;this appears to be working. 正像盟国担忧的那样,这样似乎是可行的。
More worryingly, it is compounding China's already grim pollution. 更糟的是,这加重了中国本已严重的环境污染。