Main products expand fasteners , such as heavy duty anchors,sleeve anchors,dropin anchors. 主要产品有膨胀螺丝、壁虎、套管等紧固件。电视机配件、推车配件、轴承配件等冲压件。
Invitations may say simply, 'Dropin after the game' or 'Come drink a New Year' s toast with us'. 进门后是轻松热情的气氛,来宾们来去自便。邀请的词语很简单,“看完球赛了请来坐坐”或者“进来跟我们喝一杯”。
John Mitchell, an energy analyst at the London research center ChathamHouse, tells VOA prices will keep rising unless there is a sharp dropin demand. 约翰.