We've already prorated it. That is half. 我们已经算好了,这就是一半的学费。
The rent was prorated for the rest of the month. 房租按比例分配到这个月剩下的天数里。
You will have a 12 day-vacation policy each year, prorated for the first year. 你每年有12天的有薪假期,从加入开始按比例计算的。
The ultraviolet lamp is guaranteed for 1 year with a prorated replacement cost. 另外,紫外灯保用一年,替换费用按比例计算。
That all profit, losses, costs and liabilities will be prorated according to the share-holding of each party. 利润分配,风险亏损,成本和责任将按双方投资比例摊派。
Those that are difficult to associate with specific inventory items may be prorated on some equitable basis. 那些很难与具体存货项目相联系的成本要在公平的基础上按比例分配。