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But the organization innovation is one of the main paths to restructure the enterprise to be the one that is knowledge technology intensive. 而实现企业的知识化改造,组织创新是其重要途径之一。

The concrete tactic is that we should develop technology intensive industries on the foundation of the development of labor intensive industries. 具体策略是在劳动密集型产业发展的基础上,积极发展技术密集型产业,尤其要大力发展中技术产业。

In the future,capital technology intensive industry with hi-ti additoned value and high profit return will become the focus of the development of our courtry. 而在未来,高技术附加值、高收益的资本技术密集型产业将逐渐成为我国发展的重点。

The engine blade works in atrocious environment, needs to be designed and tested in advanced technology, this is a knowledge intensive and technology intensive product. 由于航空发动机叶片的工作环境恶劣,技术复杂,加工、检测技术要求高,是知识密集、技术密集产品。

With it's unique approach, Dinamica promotes the shift from labor intensive to technology intensive software production systems, by relying heavily on reusability, abstraction, code generation wizards and simplified procedures. 运用其独特的方法,Dinamica促进了由劳动密集型向技术密集型软件生产体系的转变,主要依赖于组件重用、抽象和代码生成向导、以及简化的程序调用得以实现。

When the application has been approved by administration of taxation, the recognized technology intensive and knowledge intensive enterprises can begin to enjoy preferential taxation. 经认定的两个密集型企业,可按税收有关规定提出申请,报经税务机关审核批准后,享受有关税收优惠。

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