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英式:[ef siː piː eɪ]
美式:[ef siː piː eɪ]

abbr.外国腐败行为法案,反海外贿赂法(=Foreign Corrupt Practices Act)

The US' s FCPA led to the OECD Anti-Bribery Convention on October 26, 1999. 美国的FCPA导致了1999年lO月26日oecd的《反行贿宣言》。

One of the key characteristics of the FCPA is that it attempts outlaw payment to government officials. FCPA的关键特点是它试图将所有支付给政府官员的报酬认定为非法。

You might think you’re dealing with a business person but you’ll be dealing with an official for FCPA purposes,” she said. 你可能会以为你是在和一个商人交道,但是根据FCPA的意图,你是在和一个政府官员打交道。”她说。

Nevertheless, some counsel were sceptical as to whether, given more pressing local demands on their time, they should pay much heed to the FCPA provisions. 虽然如此,一些法律顾问鉴于当地事务越来越多地占据他们的时间,对于他们是否应当非常在意FCPA的规定持怀疑态度。

Finally, the Org. for Econ.Co-op. and Dev. (“OECD”), a global anti-corruption treaty is analogous to the FCPA, in pertinent part, and thus, could govern the conduct. 首先,举例来说,当企业施压要求工作人员完成定额,或暗示其“不择手段完成目标”时,企业就应该知道可能发生贿赂,这就证明企业要么是视而不见,要么是有意放任。

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