Soriculus fumidus were also caught more often in microhabitat with higher understory. 湿度对灰麝鼩的出现亦有影响。
However, C. tadae also can adjust its microhabitat use based on the availability of each microhabitat factor. 但是,台湾长尾麝鼩也会因应不同巨栖地内各微栖地因子的可获得性,来调整其利用比例。
Listen to her mother, said: Su-rich microhabitat, there are many other minerals. Nutrition is a very rich fruit. 听妈妈说:蛇果含有丰富的微生素,还有多种矿物质。是一种营养十分丰富的水果。
This indicates that there is a close relationship between species divergence,nymphal morphology derivation and microhabitat. 形态各异的不同种类蜉蝣稚虫生活在不同的小环境,表明种类演化和形态变化与环境有密切关系。
The analyses indicate that the breeding cranes in Zhalong Nature Reserve are able to respond and adapt to changes in quality of the spatial pattern of landscape and microhabitat. 分析表明,丹顶鹤对于栖息生境的整体分布和繁殖微生境质量的变化具有一定适应和应答的能力。